During the Christmas break I started working on one of the backgrounds, the clear where the Mother Tree is. Even though the amount of hours put into it, I can't say that I am pleased with the current result. The composition is dull and by giving it too much detail, I submitted myself to extra work to put onto all the other backgrounds I still have to make. After getting feedback for it, I will follow the advice and change a couple of things. First I will change the strictly horizontal line formed by the placement of the background trees, into a rounder line, to give it a more apparent look that this is a clear. Also, the Mother Tree needs to stand out more, so I'll work on that as well. But for now, this is it.

Also, I started working on one of the simpler backgrounds that will cover two shots of the film; the empty and cold interior of the troll's house. After some tweaks and final touches on the floor, I will have it finished.

Two weekends ago, I thought of changing the final scene of the story into something more dynamic that cut almost a minute off the film. I'm glad that the change was welcomed by the tutors, since now I feel like I'm pleased with how the story goes. I'll upload a tidier animatic for the sequence in another post.
Animation wise, I have animated the sequence where the troll climbs down the tree. Might need a couple more inbetweens, but I'm pretty much done with it and will start adding details on Photshop next.
Because of the workload involved in the production of this short, I have decided to work on particular shots first that, if the only ones I manage to finish, will be enough to create a trailer out of.
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