A month after, I painted a mock-up screen shot with, again, a troll, and now a little faungirl, who joined my characters list since.

I was pretty certain of what kind of movie I wanted to make at this point. I liked the contrast between the big, often seen as vile creature, and the innocence of the younger one. But this drawing didn't really show what I intended with the characters, as the troll didn't look menacing enough and the stylized, flat coloured style wasn't close to my ambitions.
I started considering some Disney films that feature forest landscapes, mainly Bambi and The Fox and the Hound, to gain inspiration for the colour sets and background compositions. It is rather new for me to paint this kind of backgrounds and Disney was the most fitting inspiration source I could come up with, since it is because of it that I started drawing in the first place.
Still during the second year, whenever I took a few minutes off the project I was working on at the time, I redesigned the troll and the faungirl, designs which were the main base for the current look of the characters.
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