Well, I thought I'd update this with a little info on what's been happening to me and what will happen to this film.
After attending a Portfolio Drop Event that Disney set up in London, I had the chance to chat with a Visual Development artist from Disney, Jeff Turley, who was really kind and encouraging. After this talk which set me on a path to building a portfolio/showreel focused on backgrounds and colour, I have decided that I will colourscript The Troll's Dagger. I think this will be a valuable key to getting the film to work much better as I really want it to transmit the emotions clearly.
I have thought of a few details, as well, that require me to re-do the storyboards and animatic, so the film will be longer than it was intended which was almost 4 minutes long. It will have a longer sequence of flashbacks which style I will also need to develop into something more finished than what is seen in the trailers. I will research viking art and the sort and try to adapt it to a style I like and have those sequences fully animated... or animated in cut out.
I might try to get something uploaded in the next month maybe.. I'm waiting to be contacted to see if I got a job or not which should happen next week, but considering I will want my film's colourscripts in my portfolio I will need to storyboard it at some point.
That's all for now.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Monday, 28 May 2012
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Time to put it behind
I have finally gathered the courage to share the trailer (or trailers). The thought that people will see it on a (very) big screen on the Degree Show is very off putting, if I may say so myself. I know that it is a common feeling to not being pleased with one's own work, but it really bugs me how I get to the end of the year feeling so tired, and then look at the final product and it looks as though I've been doing nothing the whole time. I feel disappointed at myself, but unfortunately there is nothing I can do at this point but live with it.
Nevertheless, I did not make this trailer to use as a portfolio piece. The trailer was the solution I thought of to be able to submit a finished product in the end of the year, and there were a lot of good things that came with the process. I learned a lot about myself and my abilities. I have become quite interested in background painting, something I avoided this whole time before I started this course; and my liking for the director's work was heightened. Hopefully I will be able to translate all of this onto the actual film once I resume working on it. Many things will change, including the flashback sequences, which will definitely look more finished and less lazy... sigh.
This is the first edit, which I submitted two weeks ago or so. Flashbacks take over half of the trailer, pretty much, and come all at once almost. I really disliked that, plus the fact that only one 'present' shot interrupts them for a couple of seconds. The shots are all in chronological order, which doesn't really work, something I only noticed once I had the final product all put together. That's not good. Considering it wasn't my intentions to make the story of the film clear, with this trailer, the way the shots are set up make it look like I was attempting the opposite.
On another note, these are the line tests of the two shots I animated for Jamie and that I will be colouring over the weekend. I found animating on paper rather fun, actually, and probably easier and more appealing than doing so on the computer with the graphics tablet. Even though I'm well used to the tablet, it definitely doesn't conquer the precision one can get with the pencil, and animating straight ahead as I do, seems to come out more naturally. Still, there's some timing issues, specifically in the fist shot I show here; but as Jamie put it, 'there's no time to think, only time to animate!', which, with the very LAST deadline knocking on the door, is very true.
Nevertheless, I did not make this trailer to use as a portfolio piece. The trailer was the solution I thought of to be able to submit a finished product in the end of the year, and there were a lot of good things that came with the process. I learned a lot about myself and my abilities. I have become quite interested in background painting, something I avoided this whole time before I started this course; and my liking for the director's work was heightened. Hopefully I will be able to translate all of this onto the actual film once I resume working on it. Many things will change, including the flashback sequences, which will definitely look more finished and less lazy... sigh.
This is the first edit, which I submitted two weeks ago or so. Flashbacks take over half of the trailer, pretty much, and come all at once almost. I really disliked that, plus the fact that only one 'present' shot interrupts them for a couple of seconds. The shots are all in chronological order, which doesn't really work, something I only noticed once I had the final product all put together. That's not good. Considering it wasn't my intentions to make the story of the film clear, with this trailer, the way the shots are set up make it look like I was attempting the opposite.
For the second edit I decided to randomize the chronological order as well as mix up the 'present' shots with the flashback shots. I ended up not animating the troll coming out of the house, because, for one, I did try to do it (many many times), but then thought that the effort was pointless considering that it would have not made the trailer any better. As I decided to change the order of the shots, that shot lost its significance. This edit is more like a teaser trailer, showing characters and emotions over story.
On another note, these are the line tests of the two shots I animated for Jamie and that I will be colouring over the weekend. I found animating on paper rather fun, actually, and probably easier and more appealing than doing so on the computer with the graphics tablet. Even though I'm well used to the tablet, it definitely doesn't conquer the precision one can get with the pencil, and animating straight ahead as I do, seems to come out more naturally. Still, there's some timing issues, specifically in the fist shot I show here; but as Jamie put it, 'there's no time to think, only time to animate!', which, with the very LAST deadline knocking on the door, is very true.
In this shot, the dead cat fish the two main characters had been fighting over through the film, falls into the river and lands on the head of a far greater and lively cat fish, waking him up (Jamie animated the little one after I animated this, so you'll have to use your imagination).
And in this shot, the giant cat fish rises like a shark and with a snappy bite, tears the boat the characters are on in half (again, use your imagination for the rest of the shot!)
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Getting there...
I am pretty much finished with the new edit of the film. I just need to tweak a couple of things to have the music finish with better timing.
Also, I have started animating one of two little shots for Jamie's film. To keep the style consistent, I'm animating them on paper, the same as he is. That will definitely be something different to post here. Hopefully I'll have the line test of those shots ready to upload tomorrow.
Also, I have started animating one of two little shots for Jamie's film. To keep the style consistent, I'm animating them on paper, the same as he is. That will definitely be something different to post here. Hopefully I'll have the line test of those shots ready to upload tomorrow.
Friday, 11 May 2012
After having submitted the trailer on Wednesday, I have come to the conclusion that I'm generally not pleased with it! I don't think I ever will, because being pleased with what I do is not something I'm usually familiar with, but I think I can be not pleased with the trailer whilst at the same time think that some people might still enjoy it, and these aren't my current feelings concerning my project.
After having got some feedback on something I knew but didn't want to admit to myself, I have decided to animate the shot of the Troll coming out of his house, which I had cut from the trailer. Without this shot, the troll in the 'present time' is introduced in a wide shot, and when the audience finally gets to see his face, it's a straight up CLOSE UP, and that's just not right. A nice mid shot of the character appearing on the screen from behind something definitely works better, and besides, I already have that background done. I will probably tidy up the editing of the film and change the order of some shots also, essentially put all the flashback shots first, and the present shots after them. Hopefully... that will do the trick...
As for uploading the trailer, I don't feel ready enough to share what I have so far, so I will refrain doing that until I'm told that I really need to have it here. Otherwise I will upload it once I have the (fingers crossed) better version of it to upload at the same time. Strategy!
After having got some feedback on something I knew but didn't want to admit to myself, I have decided to animate the shot of the Troll coming out of his house, which I had cut from the trailer. Without this shot, the troll in the 'present time' is introduced in a wide shot, and when the audience finally gets to see his face, it's a straight up CLOSE UP, and that's just not right. A nice mid shot of the character appearing on the screen from behind something definitely works better, and besides, I already have that background done. I will probably tidy up the editing of the film and change the order of some shots also, essentially put all the flashback shots first, and the present shots after them. Hopefully... that will do the trick...
As for uploading the trailer, I don't feel ready enough to share what I have so far, so I will refrain doing that until I'm told that I really need to have it here. Otherwise I will upload it once I have the (fingers crossed) better version of it to upload at the same time. Strategy!
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Here are some random concept drawings I did. The first two I did quite some time ago, and weren't necessarily used in the final film, apart from the roaring troll, which was a reference for one of the flashback drawings. The third picture has a couple of sketches I pulled off quickly plus the final dagger design (bottom left).
I finished the flashback sequence drawings last week, but have been so
focused on putting things together that I've been forgetting to update
the blog with them, so here they go. Some of these do have some animation, such as the shots with the fire, latter one being animated, and others will be drawings fading into each other. Also, elements of most of these drawings are on different layers so there will be a certain kind of 3D effect on pans, dolls and zooms.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Ainya sleeping
And here is the shot coloured. Tomorrow I will finish up the background for this shot with some overlapping grass, and also try to come up with a design for the dagger which I seem to forget about constantly, even though its grand importance to the film... I will also see to it that I'll start drawing more of the flashback sequence pen sketches.
Here's the shot of the faungirl sleeping. The head movement looks a bit rushed when she breathes out, but then I don't think the shot needs more than this. It will be shorter in the trailer too. Time to colour it. I'll do my best to get it all done today so I can then focus on the flashback sequences.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Saturday, 28 April 2012
I've never posted a process screenshot before so here's a frame from the finding shot. Drawing the shadow lines proved to take longer in this shot than in any of the other ones, but now the colouring is about half way through, so it should be fine. It doesn't look very organized, but I can find myself in this.
Friday, 27 April 2012
Here's the current shot of the troll finding the footprints next to the tombstone. This shot really brought out the non-animator side of me (which I suppose is more than half). I messed up the first head turn and now to fix it I'll have to fix all the following frames. For now I don't consider this a priority, so I won't be doing that until I've completed the more important things. It used to be a lot worse though, but after help from Denise I got some details tidied up that at least made the movement smoother, even if there are still structure and volume issues.
(I always advise to put the quality on best and watch full screen so the lines will be clear)
Also I coloured the determination shot.
Next I will be adding the shadow lines on the finding shot so then I can take it to Photoshop for colouring. Hopefully I'll have this shot done by today! Then I just have the faun girl's breathing cycle to animate and colour and finally the rest of the pen sketches for the flashback sequences. Still, I cannot forget that I need to leave a few days for compositing, so I won't be laying back comfortably just yet!
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
I'm currently working on the animation of the profile shot by the tombstone which is proving to be more troublesome than I thought. After that I have left the breathing cycle of the faungirl.
Sunday, 22 April 2012
I think I can call these finished for now. The second one serves for both the reaction shot as for the determined shot, latter one being the right hand side in which the camera follows the troll as he stands up. On those backgrounds I thought that making the trees less saturated would make the troll stand out more, also considering that there are no trees right behind him as seen on the profile wide shot of the tombstone. They will also be blurred out slightly.
Saturday, 21 April 2012
I'm almost done with the determination shot, of when the troll gets
up into the shot after spotting the footprints. I'll need to slow the
animation down a bit, by either extending the time of a couple of frames or
adding a couple more inbetweens and also cushion it up a bit more in the
(Recommended to watch fullscreen in either 720 or 1080hd quality so the lines will be clear)
Monday, 16 April 2012
Friday, 13 April 2012
Ok this one is almost finished. I marked the spot where the faun girl will be sleeping for the animation, and there's the dagger left to draw in the bag. Once I have those in the shot I can finish it up with some grass overlapping the girl and the bag.

It feels like there's more and more work coming up as I do more things. I had a week wasted because I was ill and now I'm trying to get back on track. Since before this Easter break I started animating the close-up shot of the troll's determined look after seeing the footprints... about 6 times! I'm finding it difficult to pull that one off decently as I'm finding it hard to put it aside and try a different shot for now, so I'm basically putting my energy on the backgrounds right now.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Finished. Only thing left is to animate a vine which the troll grabs onto when he's climbing down the Mother Tree.
I really don't like this background... also it was the first one I started and I notice an obvious difference of quality and style when comparing to the more recent backgrounds. Nothing I can do at this point.
I really don't like this background... also it was the first one I started and I notice an obvious difference of quality and style when comparing to the more recent backgrounds. Nothing I can do at this point.

Monday, 26 March 2012
Monday, 19 March 2012
I ended up making a few changes on the animation of the reaction shot after getting feedback from the tutors. I'm not entirely pleased with the last part of the movement, but I will not be looking into it any further (i.e. at the moment). I added marks for where the shadows will be on the face.

I have come to the conclusion that the still illustrations for the flashback sequences might turn out to look too... well, still, also considering that there are quite a lot of them in the introduction of the trailer. I have consequently decided that I will draw each illustration about 3 times so the lines will always be moving even if the characters are still. This will only be applied to the characters, not the backgrounds. I have not made any tests on this thought, but hopefully next week I'll be able to finish a few of those shots.
This was the test for the shading, as I wanted to see if only having a shadow under his eyebrows, surrounding the eyes,would look good. Turned out it looked more like a mask, so I decided to to do it on the whole character.

I have come to the conclusion that the still illustrations for the flashback sequences might turn out to look too... well, still, also considering that there are quite a lot of them in the introduction of the trailer. I have consequently decided that I will draw each illustration about 3 times so the lines will always be moving even if the characters are still. This will only be applied to the characters, not the backgrounds. I have not made any tests on this thought, but hopefully next week I'll be able to finish a few of those shots.
Friday, 9 March 2012
I started working on the shot of the tombstone. It'll look much different from this, as this is just a base layer of colour before I start working on detailing the piece.

The pan of the warriors with colour. Will add a silhouettes layer behind later on.

Also I pretty much finished animating the shot where the troll reacts as he notices the dagger is not by the tombstone. It needs a few extra frames at the end to easy in, but other than that I'll call it finished, let go the colouring that is. Can't say I'm completely pleased with it, but I have to move on to the next one..
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
I started drawing the flashback sequence shots on paper last week but never got around scanning them earlier, since I gave the film a break so I could work on my dissertation.

The leader of the human warriors will stand in front of his army. I will animate fire on top of the stick he is holding, and I have him on a separate layer to add parallax to the scene, which will also be accomplished by adding another layer of silhouettes behind the army.

Pan shot of the human warriors drawn in two sheets of paper with a ball point pen. The colour set will be the same as seen in the animatic.

The leader of the human warriors will stand in front of his army. I will animate fire on top of the stick he is holding, and I have him on a separate layer to add parallax to the scene, which will also be accomplished by adding another layer of silhouettes behind the army.

This is a test of the colours and pen lines for the very fist shot of the trailer. It is not finished though, as I want to try to add something more to it...

Thursday, 23 February 2012
Yesterday I coloured the shot I had already animated of the troll climbing down the tree. There's also a couple of motion blur frames added; so I think for now I'll call this shot finished. Once I composite it on the background I will see if I need to make changes, although it'll probably be less time consuming to make the changes on the background instead..
I also animated a first pass of the shot when the troll is looking nostalgic and sad at his father's tombstone and then reacts as he notices the dagger is not there. While I wait for some feedback on the animation, I will start working on another shot.
I also animated a first pass of the shot when the troll is looking nostalgic and sad at his father's tombstone and then reacts as he notices the dagger is not there. While I wait for some feedback on the animation, I will start working on another shot.
Friday, 17 February 2012
trailer animatic
The outcome of the animatic ended up being the opposite of my intentions as it shows what drives the plot. I'm not quite sure it's understandable though. It's tough to pick the right shots... I left the whole sequence with the faun girl as a mystery though, so the final climax was left out from the trailer entirely.
The scenes with colour in the animatic will be the flashbacks in the finished film. The shot of the clear is not the same style, because it was an experiment I decided to use just for the animatic so I wouldn't have to draw the shot again...
Also the flashback sequences are missing camera movements. The camera is supposed to be going forward through the forest in the beginning, and there will be some pans and zooms during the sequence. And if it doesn't come through, the white lines on the black (after the shot of the risen roaring troll) are going to be like the trail of a sword slash which represents the killing of the father troll.
The scenes with colour in the animatic will be the flashbacks in the finished film. The shot of the clear is not the same style, because it was an experiment I decided to use just for the animatic so I wouldn't have to draw the shot again...
Also the flashback sequences are missing camera movements. The camera is supposed to be going forward through the forest in the beginning, and there will be some pans and zooms during the sequence. And if it doesn't come through, the white lines on the black (after the shot of the risen roaring troll) are going to be like the trail of a sword slash which represents the killing of the father troll.
Monday, 13 February 2012
After getting the demo of the latest version of the software ArtRage, I thought I'd experiment something quick and simple that perhaps, if I'd manage to replicate in more than one picture, could be a style idea for the flashback sequences. It is still a matter to consider though, seeing as I intend to have simple animation in those sequences when I work on the film after Uni. This is a close up of one of the raiders. He'll perhaps need a rougher look as I want to show the leader in this shot.

I also gave the dagger's design a try. Although I should really sketch a bunch of ideas before deciding on which design to go with, I was really looking at getting it the first time to save production time...

Friday, 3 February 2012
Animation and others
With a couple frames left to add, I'll call this shot finished for now, seeing as only half of it will make it in the trailer and I have preferences for the first half. The troll is actually climbing down the tree, so just imagine and a vine he grabs onto and giant branches he lands on.
(preferably, watch at 1080p, fullscreeen)
Also, I started making changes on the clear shot, so here goes how it is looking so far.

Friday, 27 January 2012
Other Work
In the first term an extracurricular opportunity came up; that of producing a trailer for a fiction writer who has got a novel on the way, with the help of classmate Richard Steenoven. Due to the amount of work my Uni project requires, the work on the trailer has been pushed forward to after finishing the course, although I already worked on a few character designs; designs which I cannot share. I have agreed though, to give a try at drawing a cover for the novel, in the next month.
I have also taken over a couple of small opportunities to do some character work for classmates.
A girl for Rachel's Autumn project, done last term.

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